
Publications are important results of our work. More than 800 reports are available for free download in our publications database.

ou will find publications here dating back to 1977. They are divided into the following categories:

  • GRS reports – deal with the results of GRS research projects
  • Special series of general interest – presents topics of public interest
  • GRS/IRSN reports – document the joint projects of GRS and its French partner, the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN)
  • Business reports
  • Corporate governance reports

Please note that the publications database is currently still under construction and does not contain all publications yet.

Results 1 to 10 from total 181
Profile brochure of GRS 2024
Published: 2024


Business report 2023
Published: 2024

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH

Corporate Governance Report 2023
Published: 2024

Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH

(GRS-670) Further Development of the Module ATHLET-CD of the Code Package AC²
Published: 2024

L. Lovasz, L. Tiborcz, P. Pandazis, C. D’Alessandro, Y. Périn, T. Hollands, K. W. Wong, A. Wielenberg

(GRS-745) Sandwich-HP - Vertical Hydraulic Sandwich Sealing System
Published: 2024

K. Wieczorek (GRS), K. Emmerich (KIT-CMM), T. Nagel (TUBAF), E. Bakker (KIT-CMM), R. Diedel (SSKG), M. Furche (BGR), J. L. García-Siñeriz (Amberg), U. Glaubach (IBeWa), J. Hesser (BGR), M. Hinze (GRS), M. Hofmann (TUBAF), D. Jaeggi (swisstopo), F. Königer (ISU), J. C. Mayor Zurdo (Enresa), L. Räbiger (IBeWa), M. Rey Mazón (Amberg), C. Rölke (IfG), P. Schädle (ENSI), R. Schuhmann (ISU), H. Shao (BGR), S. Tuñón (Amberg), M. V. Villar Galicia (Ciemat), T. Wilsnack (IBeWa), R. Yeatman (BDS)

(GRS-704) Self-Sealing of Fractures in indurated Claystones
Published: 2024

C.-L. Zhang, A. Rogalski, O. Czaikowski

(GRS-750) HYMNE Hydrogeological Modelling at a Regional Scale
Published: 2024

A. Schneider, N. Conen, A. Gehrke, J. Hilbert, M. Knodel, K.-P. Kröhn, M. Lampe, L. Larisch, B. Lemke, A. Nägel, T. Schön, F. Salfelder, M. Stepniewski, G. Wittum, H. Zhao

(GRS-586) Solubility Limits of Fission and Activation Products in Saline near Field Solutions
Published: 2024

S. Hagemann, T. Meyer, H. Mönig, B. Bischofer, K. Jantschik

Results 1 to 10 from total 181