Sven Dokter

Current Position
Head of Communication Department, Press Officer
Professional Experience
• since 2008: Head of Communication Department and press officer of GRS
• 2006 – 2008: GRS, secondment to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs (Directorate-General III „Energy“)
• 2006 – 2006: GRS, secondment to the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Directorate-General RS “Safety of Nuclear Installations, Radiological Protection, Nuclear Fuel Cycle”)
• 2004 – 2006: GRS, legal expert at the staff unit “Technology and Law”
• 2002 − 2004: trainee solicitor at the district court Bonn (stages include i. a. German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, Association of German Cities, GRS), final qualification: Zweites juristisches Staatsexamen (German equivalent to bar examination)
• Legal studies at the University of Cologne, final qualification: Erstes juristisches Staatsexamen (final academic examination)