Applied radiation protection
The limit value of the effective dose for occupationally exposed individuals is 20 millisieverts per year. For comparison: the average effective dose to a person from natural radiation in Germany is 2.1 millisieverts per year. To ensure that this is not exceeded, about 420,000 people in Germany are subject to occupational radiation protection monitoring.
The dose of occupationally exposed persons is determined among other things with dosimeters. Persons who work in external companies are also in possession of a radiation passbook. In this passbook, the dose values from the activities in the external companies are documented. This prevents limit values from being exceeded as a result of changing assignments. The official dose data of occupationally exposed persons are collected and evaluated in the Radiation Protection Register of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection.
Our tasks
- Radiological occupational safety: GRS evaluates the operational dosimetry data of the personnel in nuclear installations on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment. Developments in operational radiation protection can be derived from the findings obtained. These, in turn, can be used to improve radiation protection. In addition, GRS conducts research on the radiation protection of medical staff during special diagnostic or therapeutic procedures - so-called "interventional measures". For this purpose, GRS develops simulation models to approximately determine the radiation exposure of the personnel involved in an intervention. Here, too, conclusions can be drawn for optimising radiation protection.
- Radiation protection technology: Radiation protection measures are highly dependent on the devices and techniques used. The constantly growing number and further development of techniques, devices and applications of ionising radiation in industry and medicine requires a continuous adaptation of the existing regulations. For this purpose, GRS elaborates scientific fundamentals and supports the Federal Ministry for the Environment in the adaptation and development of regulations.
- Radiological assessment of events: Our tasks include the radiological assessment of events involving radioactive sources and ionising radiation in the occupational area.
- Maintaining competence: GRS is committed to maintaining expertise in the field of radiation protection.