ETSON – European TSO network

ETSON is the network of technical safety organisations (TSOs) in Europe. The TSO of a country supports the national licensing and supervisory authorities in all scientific and technical questions concerning nuclear safety.

GRS is the representative for Germany in ETSON.

Themes and goals

On the one hand, ETSON provides its members with a forum for exchange on assessment, research and development in the field of nuclear safety. On the other hand, ETSON contributes to the harmonisation of nuclear safety practices within Europe and beyond and carries out joint research programmes on nuclear safety. ETSON's 14 expert groups work on safety-related issues and draw up joint Safety Assessment Guides and corresponding technical supplements (Technical Safety Assessment Guides).

Participating countries

Currently, ETSON is composed of the following technical safety organisations:

Associated members are currently the Japanese Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA ), Jacobs (United Kingdom), the Russian Scientific and Engineering Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety (SEC NRS)  and the Ukrainian State Scientific and Technical Center (SSTC) . 

EUROSAFE conference

ETSON organises the annual EUROSAFE conference. At this international conference, experts from research, authorities and industry meet to discuss current topics in the field of nuclear safety. Younger experts can present their work at a science slam. The winner receives the annual ETSON Award.

Junior Staff Programme (JSP)

In 2003, ETSON launched the Junior Staff Programme (JSP) to bring together young professionals from the different member organisations. The programme aims to help young professionals both to build personal networks at international level and to improve their professional skills. The JSP also organises the competition for the annual ETSON Award, which is presented at EUROSAFE.