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Regenwald-Seen in die Form der Kontinente
Environment and Energy

Environment & Energy

Against the background of a growing world population, the demand for energy, water, food and consumer goods is increasing. The environment is heavily burdened to meet these needs.


Our tasks

With our work, we contribute to making technologies safer and protecting humans and the environment from potential damage. We also use our models and simulation codes for risk predictions in other areas - e.g. the spread of coronavirus.

Thematic focal points for us are the safe use of renewable energies and the safe handling and disposal of pollutants.

Our thematic fields are:

Project highlights Environment and Energy

Virus fliegt in einem Aerosol-Tröpfchen durch die Luft
AeroCoV - Predicting infection routes of SARS-CoV-2 aerosols in indoor environments
2020 - 2021

In the current Covid 19 pandemic, airborne aerosols that contain viruses are considered to be an important transmission route, especially in insufficiently ventilated rooms. To be able to make a sound assessment of the related risk of infection and to derive appropriate recommendations for action, the aerosol behaviour as well as representative ambient conditions must be considered in detail and realistically. Within the framework of the AeroCoV research project, scientists of GRS have applied the COCOSYS simulation code – which was developed and validated for the analysis of accidents and severe accidents in containments of nuclear power plants – for the first time for calculating the dispersion of SARS-CoV-2 aerosols.

Environment and Energy