(GRS-S-59 Band 1) PORTAL GREEN - Genehmigungsrechtlicher Leitfaden für Power-to-Gas-Anlagen - Errichtung und Betrieb
The guide "PORTAL GREEN - Power-to-Gas Guide for the Integration of Renewable Energies" was developed as part of a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and offers assistance in the construction, commissioning and operation of commercially used power-to-gas plants. The guide is divided into a legal and a technical part, both of which were intensively coordinated and discussed with expert representatives of the authorities. This first part provides planners, operators and licensing authorities with an overview and deeper insights into the requirements of licensing law. The administrative and licensing law for technical plants has been established for many years; however, the application to PtG plants is new. The document serves as a guide, assistance, orientation and handout on which procedures and laws must be observed for the construction and operation of PtG plants. The focus is on official permits, whereby various constellations have been included and presented in detail. Since uncertainties can always remain despite all efforts at completeness, a large number of legal and literature references are also included, which give the reader the opportunity to understand the legal situation and, if necessary, to form his or her own opinion or to research individual issues in greater depth.