Corporate Governance Report 2020 (in German)
On July 01, 2009, the German government adopted principles of good corporate and investment management in the area of the federal government. The PuЫic Corporate Governance Code of the Federal Government (PCGK) as Part A of the principles is aimed at companies in which the Federal Government holds a stake. The Federal Government holds a 46.15 % share in the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH.
In its meeting on December 20, 2011, the Supervisory Board of GRS decided to apply the PCGK to GRS as of the 2012 financial year. In June and July 2012, both the Articles of Association of GRS a1s well as the Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board and its committees as well as for the Managing Directors were adapted to the requirements of the PCGK. By anchoring them in the Articles of Association of GRS, the recommendations of the PCGK became part of the framework for action of GRS and its bodies.
The Supervisory Board of GRS has formed a Presiding Committee consisting of four Supervisory Board members, which acts to prepare fundamental resolutions of the Supervisory Board, in particular in personnel matters of GRS. The final adoption of resolutions is the responsibility of the Supervisory Board.
The Corporate Governance Report 2020 including the Declaration of Conformity as well as the Annual Report 2020 are published on the GRS website.