(GRS-790) SEDS-Proceedings of the 8th GRS Workshop - Safety of Extended Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel

F. Rowold, O. Bartos, K. Hummelsheim

Garching, 15th – 17th May 2024

Research project 4721E03330

All countries with nuclear power plants do not currently have a repository for high-level radioactive waste in operation. This means that in most countries there is a need to store radioactive waste, such as spent fuel, for longer than planned.

The Safety of Extended Dry Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SEDS) workshop was launched in 2017 as a small, focused conference on progress in the safety aspects of extended dry storage of spent nuclear fuel. The aim is to identify knowledge gaps for extended storage and to exchange ideas with research and expert organisations mainly from Germany, the EU and Switzerland. In 2019, the SEDS workshop gained international recognition as an affiliate of the EPRI-ESCP meeting. Since then, the workshop has become an important event in the international field of extended storage. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop was also held in digital form in 2020 and 2021 with about 100 participants. From a scientific point of view, numerous research topics emerged from the exchange at the SEDS workshop, which also led to new collaborations. It was possible to identify existing knowledge gaps for safe extended storage and to define corresponding research areas.